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Music Videos

Mother أمي (Official Music Video)

Mother أمي (Official Music Video)

Play Video
Haifa My Town's Girl (Official Music Video) حيفا يا بنت بلدي

Haifa My Town's Girl (Official Music Video) حيفا يا بنت بلدي

Play Video
Know U عايز اعرفك اكتر (Official Music Video)

Know U عايز اعرفك اكتر (Official Music Video)

Play Video
Ghurba غربه 

BIO نبذه عن عيسى

عيسى يحتفي في الناس ويفرح في طيبتهم، يحب أن يفعل العمل الصالح، يقدم لجمهوره السعادة والراحة النفسية والمتعه من خلال موسيقاه وأغانيه

ويستمتع بانكار نفسه في خدمة الآخرين  

Issa celebrates the goodness in people, loves to do what’s right,

 brings his audience happiness, comfort and joy through his music and songs,

and enjoys helping and doing self-less service to others



Issa Sweiden

age 15

Issa (middle) at age 19 and his friends in college

From left: Jamil Sweidan (Brother), 

Nabeel Abdul Majeed (Friend),

and Issa at age 18

University of Jordan's band (from left):

Nabeel Qasem (Nye and singer), Jasser Jaghbeer (Drummer), Haidar Gazzawi (keyboard), Issa (singer/oud), Rafeeq Qadamani (oudist),

Issa (left) playing Law Consultant Walter in Hendrick Klyst's play, "The Broken Jar," with Jawdat Saleh. Issa's first professional play, age 20, a huge success, after which he quit soccer, and paid less attention to music

University of Jordan Friends

University of Jordan Soccer team

Issa #11 played center half, the same position he played in The Caucasian Club, age 20

Issa (left) & Faten Ardakani (right) in Benevento's play "World of Interest," age 23. This was another huge success in Theatre

Professional Headshot

age 33

Private party in San Francisco, (from left)

Fuad Marzook on qanun (A Cairo Star), Issa at 42 on oud and vocalist, Fuad Khaled on Violin, Susu June on Drums, Jack on rig

Issa with his son Georgy

age 47

Gogol's play The Inspector General, (from left):

Anwar Khalil, Issa at age 26, Abdul Kareem Qawasmi, Muhamed Qabani, Ali Olian, Zeyad Jaghbeer

Issa playing Jiddo Simsim in Hikayat Simsim on Sesame Street project for Jordan in 2003 and 2005 (52 episodes total), at age 48

Issa in Amman, Jordan, 2005

In Gilroy, California 2009

The 2021 Birthday, after which Issa started to publish songs on Facebook and YouTube

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